UCEA Sponsorship Opportunities

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All UCEA attendees must have their badge always displayed during the event. This is the perfect way to highlight your organization or institution. Not only will the name be displayed on the neck wallet, but it also houses a place for room keys and money. A must-have for attendees.

$3,000.00 USD

Join us as we close the convention with great food and entertainment at a unique venue. This opportunity is available to multiple sponsors.

Brand the note pad and pen set given to all graduate students during the convention. This gift is a highlight for graduate students each year and a great way to advertise your institution.

This event brings together Graduate Students, Plenary Representatives and the Executive Committee for networking, introductions, and discussion. Recognition will be given at the event for sponsors. This opportunity is available to multiple sponsors.

Reception opportunities provide your organization or institution the opportunity for optimal visibility. Your biggest option is the Opening Reception (400+ attendees), officially welcoming everyone to the Annual Convention. This year's Opening Reception in Honor of Past Presidents Reception will take place at the Westin Bonaventure, Los Angeles. Sponsorship will include logo placement highlighting the reception host. This opportunity is available to multiple sponsors.

Tote bag sponsorship provides high profile, enduring visibility for you at UCEA. All attendees receive a tote bag at registration, and many will carry it throughout the entire event and to others.

Advertise in the Convention Program which delivers the daily schedule to approximately 1,000 attendees. Prices are as follows:
  • Back Cover/Outside Color - $1,500
  • Front Cover/Inside Color - $1,400
  • Back Cover/Inside Color - $1,100
  • 1-Page Ad Color - $800
  • 1-Page Ad B&W - $500
Don't miss out on the chance to display your dedication and support of the Graduate Students of UCEA during the Thursday morning breakfast. This opportunity is available to multiple sponsors.

Sponsor the Jackson Scholars Recognition and Reception (300+ attendees) and show your support of graduate students of color. Signage will be placed highlighting the sponsor.  This opportunity is available to multiple sponsors.

$1,000.00 USD

This refreshment break to keeps attendees fortified during the day as well as the chance to network and relax other conference-goers. Signage will be placed highlighting the coffee break host. This opportunity is available to multiple sponsors.

Your advertisement will be included on a UCEA Convention email sent to our listserv (approximately 8,500 email addresses). Emails will be sent at least once a month starting in September 2024. Upon selection, we will email you specifications for available runs and graphic requirements.
Highlight your institution's logo (and link)  with a significant presence on the convention mobile and web app. The 2023 mobile app yielded over 50,000 sponsor impressions!
Include a flyer of your design in the convention tote bag as a way to directly reach the audience of your field. You provide the flyer and shipment to hotel and we will distribute to each attendee.
Prices are as follows:
  • 1 Page Flyer - 1000 copies - $300
$10,000.00 USD
Benefits include:
  • Four complimentary annual banquet tickets
  • Four complimentary awards luncheon tickets
  • Two complimentary faculty registrations
  • Recognition or advertisement in one issue of the UCEA Spotlight (our monthly digital newsletter)
  • One complimentary full page in the convention program for advertising space
  • Spoken recognition at the opening general session
  • Banner ad on the convention mobile app
  • Recognition on our social media platforms
  • Recognition on the sponsor page in the convention program
  • Recognition in the UCEA Review (post-convention)
  • Recognition on the UCEA slideshow playing during general sessions
  • Recognition on signage at registration
  • Recognition on our website listed by sponsorship level
$5,000.00 USD
Benefits include:
  • Two complimentary banquet tickets
  • Recognition or advertisement in one issue of the UCEA Spotlight (our monthly digital newsletter)
  • One complimentary full page in the convention program for advertising space
  • Spoken recognition at the opening general session
  • Banner ad on the Convention mobile app
  • Recognition on our social media platforms
  • Recognition on the sponsor page in the convention program
  • Recognition in the UCEA Review (post-convention)
  • Recognition on the UCEA slideshow playing during general sessions
  • Recognition on signage at registration
  • Recognition on our website listed by sponsorship level
$2,500.00 USD
Benefits include:
  • Banner ad on the Convention mobile app
  • Recognition on our social media platforms
  • Recognition on the sponsor page in the convention program
  • Recognition in the UCEA Review (post-convention)
  • Recognition on the UCEA slideshow playing during general sessions
  • Recognition on signage at registration
  • Recognition on our website listed by sponsorship level
$1,000.00 USD
Benefits include:
  • Recognition on the sponsor page in the convention program
  • Recognition in the UCEA Review (post-convention)
  • Recognition on the UCEA slideshow playing during general sessions
  • Recognition on signage at registration
  • Recognition on our website listed by sponsorship level